Scene Analysis

A mid shot of Irene both the shot and her clothes, hair (she doesn’t have a hair out of place) and even her face perfectly symmetrical, the shot is mid-shot and centred with Irene as the middle point. Irene has blond hair and blue eyes showcasing pure genetics.
All the men are wearing the suits of a particular era. This helps to show uniformity and how everyone has the same high end selected genetics

Jerome is starting the climb up the helix staircase (represents DNA) at the same time as Antoni and Irene driving towards Jerome’s place.
A two-shot of Antoni and Irene driving in 1950s rover with Sepia colours and sound effects build tension.
When climbing in the helix they use a birds-eye view to show Jerome looking weak.
The scene above and the two pieces of action being Crosscut, the two pieces of action being played simultaneously
This is a close up of Jerome’s hand finally managing to press the button which lets Irene and Antoni inside the house.
An over the shoulder shot of Antoni walking in followed by Irene in the doorway
The symbol of blood to prove identity and truth
When Irene finds out the truth for the first time her hair starts to come undone and loses her composure

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